Country: Malaysia
Username: cyberwee
Sent on: 24 Aug, 2009
Received on: 1 Sep, 2009
琉璃翠鳳蝶 /
Papilio paris nakaharai ShirôzuHe sent me a mail and asked me if I have this postcard(TW-73269). And I answered him and told him I have 4 butterfly postcards. So we made the direct swaps 4 times.
Papilio paris nakaharai Shirôzu: It has black wings. There is a broad, metallic greenish blue marking on its hindwings, which shimmers during flight. It is one of the most beautiful butterflies in Taiwan. There is a row of red crescents on the outer edge of the underside of its hindwings. Females and males are similar in appearance, except that in males the blue marking on the upperside of the hindwing extends narrowly below and above.
琉璃翠鳳蝶: 翅為黑色,後翅有一大塊藍綠色金屬光澤的斑紋,飛行時閃耀著炫目光澤,堪稱為臺灣最美的蝴蝶之一;後翅腹面外緣有一列紅色弦月紋。雌雄外觀近似,惟雄蝶後翅背面的藍色斑紋上下呈細條狀延伸。