特486 兒童畫郵票(95年版) / Sp.486 Children’s Drawings
Issued on: 4 Apr, 2006
So as to encourage youths to engage in positive leisure activities that lead to healthy bodies and minds, raise the quality of life, encourage artistic creation, cultivate aesthetic sensibility among ROC children, and promote the development of art education, Chunghwa Post sponsored a national children’s drawing and stamp design competition during April and May 2005. The winning entries will be the subjects of postage stamps. The competition included four age groups: kindergarten, lower elementary, middle elementary and upper elementary. There were 22,000 entries in total. ROC professional artists were invited to be the judges and to select five gold medal works from each age group. The twenty winners were Chen Jou-han, Chou Tzu-hsuan, Chung Kuo-shuang, Chiu Chun-ying, Hsu Cheng-yu, Liao Pei-chi, Tung Yu-ting, Yang Shuang-wei, Chen Shih-yen, Hung Hao-wei, Yeh Hai-yin, Ko Hao-jen, Shuai Chien-an, Li Pei-ying, Chiu Yu-hsiu, Lu Pei-yu, Liu Yu-han, Chen Min-chi, Hung Wei-tzu and Tu Ya-chu. Using the winning artworks of these 20 children, Chunghwa Post is issuing a set of 20 postage stamps in se-tenant format. All of these stamps will have denominations of NT$5.00.
為提倡青少年正當休閒活動,陶冶身心,提昇生活品質,鼓勵美術創作,培養國內兒童美學素養及美育發展,本公司於94年4、5月間舉辦全國兒童創意寫生暨郵 票圖案繪畫比賽,甄選兒童畫作為郵票圖案。是項比賽分為幼稚園、國小低年級、國小中年級及國小高年級共4組,參賽作品計達22,000件,經邀請國內美術 專業人士擔任評審,每組各選出金牌獎作品5幅,共計20幅,得獎者姓名依組別順序分別為陳柔含、周子琁、鍾國双、邱俊穎、徐承裕、廖珮琪、董鈺婷、楊雙瑋、陳詩諺、洪浩維、葉海音、柯皓仁、帥見侒、李佩穎、邱郁琇、盧佩渝、劉玉涵、陳旻琪、洪維紫、杜雅筑。經以上述榮獲金牌獎之20幅作品作為郵票圖案,以20枚連刷方式印製郵票1組,面值均為5元。
Chunghwa Post Co., Ltd.
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