Monday, August 31, 2009



Country: Czech Republic
Username: Keina
Sent on: 14 May, 2009
Received on: 21 May, 2009
Description: 阿里山國家風景區 / Alishan National Scenic Area

Alishan is well-known for its incredible natural beauty. The sightseeing spots include: Giant trees, Alishan Museum, Natural park, Mt. Chu's Sunrise and Sister ponds, etc.


Sunday, August 30, 2009


Country: United States of America
Username: Renton
Sent on: 14 May, 2009
Received on: 24 May, 2009
Description: 台北101 / Taipei 101

101 stories above ground and 5 stories below, the 508-meter-tall Taipei 101 is the highest building in Taiwan. Taipei 101 was overtaken in height on July 21, 2007 by the Burj Dubai in Dubai, UAE, upon the completion of that building's 141st floor . As of July 2009, the title of "world's tallest building" still rests with Taipei 101, as international architectural standards define a "building" as a structure capable of being fully occupied. The Burj Dubai will claim the title upon its completion, which, after delays involving upgraded finishes and apartment design, is expected on 2 December 2009.

Taipei 101


Country: Slovenia
Username: lipizzaner
Sent on: 28 Apr, 2009
Received on: 27 May, 2009
Description: 台南大天后宮 / Tainan Great Queen of Heaven Temple

With a unique architectural style and numerous inscribed stone tables, this temple is situated on Yungfu Rd. It was built for the worship of the deity, Matsu, who is the most popular in Taiwan.



Country: Poland
Username: Lamcia
Sent on: 28 Apr, 2009
Received on: 5 May, 2009
Description: 澎湖七美大獅 / Chimei Giant Lion, Penghu

The Chimei islet is located on the southern tip of the Penghu islands. There are quite spectacular views of the islet, where the cylindrical basalt in the shape of a giant lion squats on the cliff.



Country: Germany
Username: LilaTwingo
Sent on: 26 Apr, 2009
Received on: 19 May, 2009
Description: 阿里山森林鐵道懷舊 /Alishan Forest Railway

Their baby was born at the beginnig of 2009. They are collecting rhymes for children from all over the world so I picked this card and told them a rhyme for children about trains.


Country: Japan
Username: yokko
Sent on: 25 Apr, 2009
Received on: 1 May, 2009
Description: 行書團扇-魯琪光 / Semi-cursive script

Semi-cursive script is a partially cursive style of Chinese calligraphy.


National Museum of History



Country: United States of America
Username: Dawn-oh
CSent on: 22 Apr, 2009
Received on: 1 May, 2009
Description: 高雄市立美術館 / Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts


Country: United Kingdom
Username: leighanna
Sent on: 20 Apr, 2009
Received on: 25 Apr, 2009
Description: 阿里山森林鐵道懷舊 /Alishan Forest Railway


Country: Finland
Username: Paavaliina
Sent on: 20 Apr, 2009
Received on: 25 Apr, 2009
Description: 乾隆款掐絲琺瑯雙龍耳罍 / Cloisonné vessel

It's an old handicraft of Cloisonné in Qianlong Emperor(1711-1799), Qing Dynasty. If you chick this link, you can see this more clearly.


National Museum of History


Country: Ukraine
Username: MaxSH
Sent on: 15 Apr, 2009
Received on: 27 Apr, 2009
Description: 內灣線小火車漫遊 / Neiwan Railway Line

Neiwan is a small town in Hsinchu. I have been there once in winter in 2008. Neiwan is famous for the food made of Hedychium coronarium (野薑花). I never ate any food made of Hedychium coronarium in other place. It's really special.

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Country: Finland
Username: laban
Sent on: 15 Apr, 2009
Received on: 20 Apr, 2009
Description: 唐三彩駱駝 / Tri-colored glazed pottery, camel

Tri-colored glazed pottery can be traced back to Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD). But the colors of the glazes used to decorate the wares of the Tang Dynasty generally were not limited to three in number.
The famous”Silk Road”was the main overland route between China and the west.It passed through a series of deserts,in which camel were a vital means of transport,a fact borne out by the large quantities of camel remains that have been discovered by archeologists.


National Digital Archives Program, Taiwan
National Museum of History


Country: United States of America
Username: AkiChuu
Sent on: 3 Apr, 2009
Received on: 21 Apr, 2009
Description: 黃腹琉璃 /Vivid Niltava (Niltava vivida)


Country: Brazil
Username: KittyStar
Sent on: 30 Mar, 2009
Received on: 15 Apr, 2009
Description: 阿里山老火車 / Alishan Forest Railway


Country: Germany
Username: Kathleen1981
Sent on: 28 Mar, 2009
Received on: 22 Apr, 2009
Description: 阿里山森林鐵路 / Alishan Forest Railway

This locomotive is very cute!!! I like this postcard.


Country: Latvia
Username: HACTEHA
Sent on: 26 Mar, 2009
Received on: 7 Apr, 2009
Description: 太魯閣 / Taroko National Park

Taroko is famous for its gorges. As the postcard shows, it's very beautiful!!!


Country: Finland
Username: Piehta
Sent on: 25 Mar, 2009
Received on: 31 Mar, 2009
Description: 水上北迴歸線標誌 / Shuishang Marker Of The Tropic of Cancer

The marker of the Tropic of Cancer is 120° 24'45" longitude east and 23° 27'4" latitude west. It is located at Shuishang Hsiang, about 4 km S. from Chiayi City.



Country: Malaysia
Username: EeOng
Sent on: 22 Aug, 2009
Received on: 29 Aug, 2009
Description: 天佑台灣 /God bless Taiwan

After Morakot landed in the midnight of August 8, almost the entire southern region of Taiwan (Chiayi, Tainan, Kaohsiung, and Pingtung counties) and parts of Taitung County and Nantou County were flooded by record-breaking heavy rain. The rainfall in Pingtung County exceeded 2,600 millimetres (100 in), breaking all rainfall records of any single place in Taiwan induced by a single typhoon. Airlines in Taiwan did hold some flights in and out of airports, but seaports were closed. Electricity supplies were cut to approximately 25,000 homes.

Reports indicated that at least 600 people were missing throughout southern Taiwan. Most were residents of Xiaolin (小林村), a mountain village with 1,300 residents in Jiaxian Township. The village was buried by a massive mudslide that destroyed most of the town. It is estimated that 118 people died in the village due to the mudslide, which reports indicated covered all but two houses. It was reported that all roads toward Namaxia Township were either blocked or washed away by severe mudslides. Hundreds of residents were trapped for four days, and were running out of food and water. In addition, water and electricity had been cut. A rescue helicopter, working to retrieve survivors of the mudslide crashed into a mountain side early on August 11, killing the three occupants. Crews have been unable to reach the wreckage due to the steep terrain.

A swollen river in Taitung County undermined 51 homes and swept them away into the Pacific, leaving numerous residents homeless. No people were in the homes when they fell into the river. In the famous Jhiben (Chih-Pen, 知本) hot springs area, the six-story Jinshuai Hotel was destroyed when it collapsed into the Jhiben Creek after being undermined by flood waters. Several stores in front of the hotel were washed away days earlier as the river continued to overflow its banks and inundate nearby towns and cities. Running water in Tainan County to 280,000 was shut down as flood waters contaminated the local reservoir.

Throughout Taiwan, at least 107 people were confirmed to have been killed by the storm as of August 13. The record-breaking rains also caused catastrophic agricultural losses, with estimates reaching NT$9 billion ($274 million USD). At its peak, roughly 1.58 million were without power across the island and over 710,000 were without water pressure. Tourism losses due to the typhoon were estimated to be at least NT$800 million ($24.4 million USD).

However, Morakot also ended a month-long drought and replenished reservoirs enough to warrant an end to water rationing.

The "Little Three Links" between Kinmen of the Republic of China and Xiamen of the People's Republic of China was suspended. Almost all reservoirs in Kinmen County were full. Winds at Force 13 on the Beaufort scale were recorded in the Matsu Islands.

National Disaster Prevention and Protection Commission is the task-force-grouped committee authorized by the law of Disaster Prevention and Protection.

God bless Taiwan!!!!



Country: United States of America
Username: litehouse9
Sent on: 22 Mar, 2009
Received on: 3 Apr, 2009
Description: 貢寮南雅岩柱 / Nanya Rock Sculpture, Gongliao

Nanya is noted for its fantastic rock formations and sea-eroded coral shore. The entire coastline here is a veritable sculpture garden that illustrates, in stone, the incomparable artistry of weathering and wave action.


I like this postcard!!! I think this rock is like a cake!!! Very cute.

Friday, August 28, 2009


Country: Thailand
Username: unclepostman
Sent on: 21 Mar, 2009
Received on: 3 Apr, 2009
Description: 太魯閣-燕子口 / Swallow Grotto, Taroko National Park

Following the Central Cross-Island Highway, at Yanzihkou (Swallow Grotto) the rock cliffs of the Liwu River gorge seem to reach to heaven while the river runs its swiftest and the distance between the gorge walls so narrow that they almost seem to touch each other.

Along the Yanzihkou (Swallow Grotto) trail which runs about a half kilometer starting from the entrance to Swallow Grotto to the Jinheng Bridge, you can enjoy the sights of the Liwu River from nearly straight above the water, the potholes on the cliff faces, the springs sprinkled along the lower parts of the walls, as well as the famous rock formation "Chieftain's profile rock".

As of early 2005 the Yanzihkou (Swallow Grotto) Trail was separated from the highway by a simple concrete divider. The road was narrow, resulting in frequent congestion in the area. Consequently, the Park Administration set about building a two-lane tunnel for vehicular traffic to let walkers enjoy the sights of this spectacular part of the gorge uninterrupted by cars and buses. There are two Swallow Grotto (Yanzihkou) tunnels, linked by Ludan Bridge- were completed in June 1, 2007. West-east vehicular traffic must use the tunnels.The old highway is now a pedestrian path and is also open to vehicular traffic going east only that must proceed slowly.

Taroko National Park

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Country: Germany
Username: Moro2
Sent on: 8 Jun, 2009
Received on: 20 Jun, 2009
Description: Grüne Zitadelle in Magdeburg, Germany

The pink house is very special, nothing is normal there. It was created by Friedensreich Hundertwasser.


Country: Finland
Username: Aniara
Sent on: 19 Mar, 2009
Received on: 25 Mar, 2009
Description: 內灣線小火車 / Neiwan Railway Line

Neiwan is a small town in Hsinchu. I have been there once in winter in 2008. Neiwan is famous for the food made of Hedychium coronarium (野薑花). I never ate any food made of Hedychium coronarium in other place. It's really special.


Country: Germany
Username: MissCobra
Sent on: 19 Mar, 2009
Received on: 28 Mar, 2009
Descruption: Checheng Szuchunghsi Hot Springs / 車城四重溪溫泉

The springs are on the island's southern tip, near Kenting National Park. It is one of the four largest hot springs is drinkable and is good for the treatment of some chronic skin diseases.


It's not a common river, it's a hot spring. We also have cold springs in Taiwan. Taiwan is the only one where you can find both hot spring and cald springs. Taking a hot spring or taking a cold spring is very comfortable and good for health.


Country: United States of America
Username: WeHomeschool
Sent on: 7 Mar, 2009
Received on: 16 Mar, 2009
Description: 日月潭 / Sun Moon Lake

Sun Moon Lake is the largest natural lake in Taiwan. Situated in Yuchih(魚池鄉), Nantou(南投), the area around the Sun Moon Lake is home to the Thao tribe(邵族), one of aboriginal tribes in Taiwan. Sun Moon Lake surrounds a tiny island called Lalu(拉魯島). The east side of the lake looks like a sun and the west side looks like a moon, hence the name.


Country: Finland
Username: chillaa
Sent on: 7 Mar, 2009
Received on: 13 Mar, 2009
Description: 太魯閣 / Taroko

Taroko is a very beautiful place. I've been there twice. I love the Marble Gorge.

Official Website:


Country: Finland
Username: meikalainen
Sent on: 26 Feb, 2009
Received on: 5 Mar, 2009
Description: 阿里山老火車 / Alishan Forest Railway

I love this set of postcards.

特489 臺灣珊瑚礁魚類郵票(95年版) / Sp. 489 Taiwan Coral-Reef Fish Postage Stamps (Issue of 2006)

Issued on: 14 Jul, 2006

To acquaint ROC citizens with the island's abundant marine life and to draw attention to its coral reefs, Chunghwa Post is issuing another set of four postage stamps on "Taiwan Coral-Reef Fish," featuring the Clown anemonefish, Moorish idol, Yellowtail coris and Longnose hawkfish. The stamps have been planned by Dr. Kwang-tsao Shao of the Academia Sinica and created by marine biology painter Jheng Yi-lang. Two stamps will have denominations of NT$5, and the other two will have denominations of NT$12.

The designs of the stamps follow:

(1) Amphiprion ocellaris (NT$5): It is commonly known as the Clown anemonefish, because the white markings on its orange body make it look like an adorable clown. It is a very popular saltwater aquarium fish.

(2) Zanclus cornutus (NT$5): Commonly known as the Moorish idol, it is a typical coral reef fish. Its brilliant coloring is similar to that of the longfin bannerfish of the Chaetodontidae (butterflyfish) family, but its body is similar to that of the freshwater angelfish. Its body is covered with black and white stripes, with three broad black bars around the eyes, the pectoral fin and the caudal peduncle. It looks very elegant when it swims and sells well in pet stores that stock tropical fish.

(3) Coris gaimard (NT$12): It is commonly known as the Yellowtail coris. The juvenile of this species has orange or bright red coloration, with five distinctive white saddles rimmed in black along its top from snout to tail. It is nicknamed "red dragon" and is a hot seller in pet stores in Taiwan that stock tropical fish. After it grows to four to five centimeters long, its white saddles gradually fade and its body turns from orange-red to olive and becomes bluer near its tail, where its caudal fin turns bright yellow.

(4) Oxycirrhites typus (NT$12): Commonly known as the Longnose hawkfish, it looks distinctly different from other Cirrhitidae. Its habits are quite different too. It lives only in sea fans of deeper water coral reefs. Its body is bright red and easily camouflaged by the red sea fans. Because of its slender snout and its bright red grid-like coloration, it is also called the "pointy snout grid fish" in Chinese.






Chunghwa Post Co., Ltd

特508.1-508.10 宋徽宗十八學士圖古畫郵票 / Sp. 508.1-508.10 Ancient Chinese Painting

Issued on: 21 Sep, 2007

To promote appreciation of ancient Chinese art and philately, Taiwan Post is issuing a set of ten stamps (each with a denomination of NT$5.00) based on the Sung Dynasty painting "Eighteen Scholars of the T’ang" by the Emperor Hui-tsung, which is in the National Palace Museum collection. The full painting will be printed in a se-tenant block of ten stamps in two rows of five. The ten stamps are not uniform in size. Instead there are four different sizes, enabling the se-tenant block to be broken up into compositionally coherent individual stamps.
The Sung Dynasty Emperor Hui-tsung (1082-1135) was a very gifted calligrapher and painter and was especially good at landscape, flower-and-bird, and figure paintings. Refined and elegant, his style of calligraphy is called "slender gold script" and is characterized by thin yet powerful brush strokes. "Eighteen Scholars of the T’ang" depicts a boisterous and joyous party of the era’s literati, with scholars touring the garden, writing poetry, playing music, drinking and feasting. They sip tea, drink wine and eat delicacies in a garden where a creek meanders amid scattered rocks, flowers, pine trees and bamboo. Servants prepare tea and wine by a square table. The table has stretchers between the legs and is decorated with aprons and spandrels. A tea set is placed on the table. Beside the table is a bamboo tea basket with a tea tray on top. A simple wooden-framed two-panel screen sits atop spandrels and shoe feet. The upper part is mullioned and the lower part paneled. The scholars sat around a very large waisted table with recessed legs, a style popular during the T’ang and Five Dynasties. This is the best of several versions of this painting.

為宣揚中華文化,介紹古代精緻藝術品及推展集郵業務,續以國立故宮博物院典藏之宋徽宗十八學士圖卷為主題,印製「宋徽宗十八學士圖古畫郵票」1組10枚, 面值均為5元。是項郵票係以上下各5枚2行聯刷方式精印,構成全幅畫卷,郵票全張由1組10枚郵票組成,為求郵票構圖之美觀及完整,共有4種大小不等之票幅。

宋徽宗(西元1082-1135年),姓趙名佶。性好書畫,秉賦極高,工山水、花鳥、人物。筆墨挺秀,雅韻宜人,書稱瘦金體,筆勢勁逸。圖繪典型的文人酬 應,內容包括遊園、賦詩、奏樂、宴飲,氣氛熱鬧歡愉。聚會備以茶酒、珍饈的品酌,士人在溪亭、花石、松竹叢中,品茗酒食賞景。僕役分備茶酒,方桌腿四面有 棖,下有牙條、牙頭為飾。桌上置茶具,旁竹編茶籠內擺茶托。立地兩面式屏風造型簡潔,下有抱角牙子、墩足。屏以木為框,上部成直櫺門式,下部安板。圖中文 士圍桌而坐,箱形束腰平列壼門大案,唐、五代流行。此卷有數本傳世,此為其中較佳者。

Chunghwa Post Co., Ltd

特531 臺灣蝴蝶郵票(98年版)/ Sp.531 Taiwan Butterflies Postage Stamps (Issue of 2009)

Issued on: 25 Jun, 2009

To call public attention to conserve natural habitat, Chunghwa Post is following up with a souvenir sheet on swallowtail butterflies. The designs follow:

Papilio xuthus Linnaeus (NT$5.00): It has dark brown wings, although the coloration in females is somewhat lighter. There is a pale yellow crescent (lunule) behind the forewings and hindwings, and there are some light yellow markings near the base of the hindwings. The males and females are similar in appearance except for some obvious orange markings on either side of the bluish gray band on the underside of females’ hindwings. In addition, there is a black spot on the front edge of males’ hindwings, which is absent in females.

Troides aeacus formosanus Rothschild (NT$5.00): The male has black wings, and the bright yellow markings on the upperside and underside of its hindwings are larger than those of the female. There is a row of black saw-tooth markings on the outer margin of its hindwings and some red markings on its thorax. Females are larger than males, with broader forewings and a complicated yellow and black pattern on their hindwings. This butterfly is an endemic subspecies to Taiwan. It is listed as a rare and valuable protected species.

Graphium agamemnon (Linnaeus) (NT$12.00): Females and males have identical wing patterns. The male has black wings with four vertical rows of yellowish green spots on each wing. There is a fuzzy gray brand in the fold at the inner edge of the hindwings. Females lack the brand and are larger than males.

Papilio paris nakaharai Shirôzu (NT$12.00): It has black wings. There is a broad, metallic greenish blue marking on its hindwings, which shimmers during flight. It is one of the most beautiful butterflies in Taiwan. There is a row of red crescents on the outer edge of the underside of its hindwings. Females and males are similar in appearance, except that in males the blue marking on the upperside of the hindwing extends narrowly below and above.






Chunghwa Post Co., Ltd.

Friday, August 7, 2009


Country: Netherlands
Username: Nana0
Sent on: 23 Feb, 2009
Received on: 3 Mar, 2009
Description: 阿里山老火車 / Alishan Forest Railway

She loves old photos so I sent her this postcard. This old photo was taken by a Japanese. I this this set of postcards.


Country: Netherlands
Username: tidbits
Sent on: 6 Jun, 2009
Received on: 20 Jun, 2009
Description: views of Eindhoven

Eindhoven is one of the biggest town of the Netherlands. It has more than 200,000 inhabitants. On upper left view is old Philips buildings.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


Country: Norway
Username: Stine
Sent on: 7 Jun, 2009
Received on: 20 Jun, 2009
Description: a drawing of the local hotel she works at

I like this drawing. Taking a walk there after work must be great!!!

常127 花語郵票 Def. 127 Personal Greeting Stamps—The Language of Flowers

Issued on: 28 May, 2007

Personal greeting stamps are customized postage stamps. To provide more design options, Taiwan Post is issuing a set of ten personal greeting stamps based on the "language of flowers." All ten stamps come in denominations of NT$3.50 and NT$5.00, and the different denominations are distinguished by different background colors. Customers may bring or send in their prettiest or most memorable photos, which will be used to create a brand new set of personal greeting stamps, with which they can send mail to their family members and friends.

The designs of the stamps follow:
1. Dahlia: gratitude. Dahlia blooms represent glamour, gratitude and are sincerely offered best wishes.
2. Iris: trust. In Greek and Roman mythology, the iris represents guidance and trust.
3. Clematis: elegance. Clematis blossoms are pure and elegant.
4. Tung Blossom: joy. When it is windy, falling tung blossoms slowly twirl in the wind, creating a colorful, joyous atmosphere.
5. Rose: true love. Roses best express romantic love.
6. Sunflower: adoration, from Greek and Roman mythology.
7. Bird-of-Paradise: happiness. Locals of Cape Hope in South Africa believe that when the bird of paradise flower blooms, beautiful birds will come from far away and bring freedom, bliss and happiness.
8. East Indian Lotus: purity. Lotus blossoms are upright, unsullied, and beautiful—the very antithesis of gaudy.
9. English Daisy: vitality, vigorous flowers.
10. Balloon Flower: chastity. The flower buds appear to be proudly chaste.

五、玫 瑰:花語為真愛。是情人間表達愛意之最佳代表。
八、荷 花:花語為純淨。花姿亭亭玉立,清新脫俗,美而不華。
九、雛 菊:花語為活力。是一種生命力極旺盛的花。
十、桔 梗:花語為堅貞。含苞未開之花蕾有種傲然、堅貞不可褻玩的風貌。

Chunghwa post Co., Ltd