Wednesday, August 19, 2009

特508.1-508.10 宋徽宗十八學士圖古畫郵票 / Sp. 508.1-508.10 Ancient Chinese Painting

Issued on: 21 Sep, 2007

To promote appreciation of ancient Chinese art and philately, Taiwan Post is issuing a set of ten stamps (each with a denomination of NT$5.00) based on the Sung Dynasty painting "Eighteen Scholars of the T’ang" by the Emperor Hui-tsung, which is in the National Palace Museum collection. The full painting will be printed in a se-tenant block of ten stamps in two rows of five. The ten stamps are not uniform in size. Instead there are four different sizes, enabling the se-tenant block to be broken up into compositionally coherent individual stamps.
The Sung Dynasty Emperor Hui-tsung (1082-1135) was a very gifted calligrapher and painter and was especially good at landscape, flower-and-bird, and figure paintings. Refined and elegant, his style of calligraphy is called "slender gold script" and is characterized by thin yet powerful brush strokes. "Eighteen Scholars of the T’ang" depicts a boisterous and joyous party of the era’s literati, with scholars touring the garden, writing poetry, playing music, drinking and feasting. They sip tea, drink wine and eat delicacies in a garden where a creek meanders amid scattered rocks, flowers, pine trees and bamboo. Servants prepare tea and wine by a square table. The table has stretchers between the legs and is decorated with aprons and spandrels. A tea set is placed on the table. Beside the table is a bamboo tea basket with a tea tray on top. A simple wooden-framed two-panel screen sits atop spandrels and shoe feet. The upper part is mullioned and the lower part paneled. The scholars sat around a very large waisted table with recessed legs, a style popular during the T’ang and Five Dynasties. This is the best of several versions of this painting.

為宣揚中華文化,介紹古代精緻藝術品及推展集郵業務,續以國立故宮博物院典藏之宋徽宗十八學士圖卷為主題,印製「宋徽宗十八學士圖古畫郵票」1組10枚, 面值均為5元。是項郵票係以上下各5枚2行聯刷方式精印,構成全幅畫卷,郵票全張由1組10枚郵票組成,為求郵票構圖之美觀及完整,共有4種大小不等之票幅。

宋徽宗(西元1082-1135年),姓趙名佶。性好書畫,秉賦極高,工山水、花鳥、人物。筆墨挺秀,雅韻宜人,書稱瘦金體,筆勢勁逸。圖繪典型的文人酬 應,內容包括遊園、賦詩、奏樂、宴飲,氣氛熱鬧歡愉。聚會備以茶酒、珍饈的品酌,士人在溪亭、花石、松竹叢中,品茗酒食賞景。僕役分備茶酒,方桌腿四面有 棖,下有牙條、牙頭為飾。桌上置茶具,旁竹編茶籠內擺茶托。立地兩面式屏風造型簡潔,下有抱角牙子、墩足。屏以木為框,上部成直櫺門式,下部安板。圖中文 士圍桌而坐,箱形束腰平列壼門大案,唐、五代流行。此卷有數本傳世,此為其中較佳者。

Chunghwa Post Co., Ltd

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