Issued on: 28 May, 2007
Personal greeting stamps are customized postage stamps. To provide more design options, Taiwan Post is issuing a set of ten personal greeting stamps based on the "language of flowers." All ten stamps come in denominations of NT$3.50 and NT$5.00, and the different denominations are distinguished by different background colors. Customers may bring or send in their prettiest or most memorable photos, which will be used to create a brand new set of personal greeting stamps, with which they can send mail to their family members and friends.
The designs of the stamps follow:
1. Dahlia: gratitude. Dahlia blooms represent glamour, gratitude and are sincerely offered best wishes.
2. Iris: trust. In Greek and Roman mythology, the iris represents guidance and trust.
3. Clematis: elegance. Clematis blossoms are pure and elegant.
4. Tung Blossom: joy. When it is windy, falling tung blossoms slowly twirl in the wind, creating a colorful, joyous atmosphere.
5. Rose: true love. Roses best express romantic love.
6. Sunflower: adoration, from Greek and Roman mythology.
7. Bird-of-Paradise: happiness. Locals of Cape Hope in South Africa believe that when the bird of paradise flower blooms, beautiful birds will come from far away and bring freedom, bliss and happiness.
8. East Indian Lotus: purity. Lotus blossoms are upright, unsullied, and beautiful—the very antithesis of gaudy.
9. English Daisy: vitality, vigorous flowers.
10. Balloon Flower: chastity. The flower buds appear to be proudly chaste.
五、玫 瑰:花語為真愛。是情人間表達愛意之最佳代表。
八、荷 花:花語為純淨。花姿亭亭玉立,清新脫俗,美而不華。
九、雛 菊:花語為活力。是一種生命力極旺盛的花。
十、桔 梗:花語為堅貞。含苞未開之花蕾有種傲然、堅貞不可褻玩的風貌。
Chunghwa post Co., Ltd
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