紀307 2007解嚴20週年紀念郵票 / Com.307 2007 20th Anniversary of the Lifting of Martial Law Commemorative Issue
Issued on: 15 Jul, 2007
On May 19, 1949, Chen Cheng, the Taiwan provincial governor and director general of Taiwan Garrison Command, declared martial law, which went into effect the next day. Martial law infringed upon human rights and impeded the development of constitutional democracy. In step with Taiwan’s economic and social development and growing understanding about human rights, and in order to promote democratic constitutional reform, on July 14, 1987, the late president Chiang Ching-kuo gave an order to end the state of martial law, which went into effect the next day. The formal lifting of martial law also represented a step forward in Taiwan’s evolution toward democracy. 2007 is the 20th anniversary of the lifting of martial law. To commemorate this event, this post is issuing a commemorative stamp featuring the lifting of restrictions on newspapers, political parties and freedom of speech. The stamp will have a denomination of NT$12.
民國38年5月19日臺灣省政府主席兼臺灣省警備總司令陳誠先生頒布戒嚴令,公告臺灣自38年5月20日零時起實施戒嚴,臺灣從此進入戒嚴時期。戒嚴限制 了憲法賦予人民的權益,影響民主憲政的發展。隨著社會經濟發展的演變,人權法治思想的普及,為推動民主憲政改革,蔣故總統經國先生於民國76年7月14日 明令宣布,自76年7月15日零時起解嚴,正式解除長達30餘年的戒嚴,也為臺灣民主改革踏出歷史性的一步。本(96)年適逢解嚴20週年,本公司配合規 劃以解嚴後開放報禁、黨禁及言論自由為主題,發行「2007解嚴20週年紀念郵票」1枚,面值新台幣12元,以資紀念。
Chunghwa Post Co., Ltd
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