紀309 世界童軍百週年紀念郵票 / Com. 309 Centenary of World Scouting Commemorative Issue
Issued on: 28 Nov, 2007
The Scout Movement started in 1907, so 2007 marks the 100th anniversary of world scouting. To celebrate a new century of scouting, Taiwan Post is specially issuing a “Centenary of World Scouting Commemorative Issue” stamp with a denomination of NT$12.00. The design of this stamp conforms to the spirit of the centenary of scouting, which has a focus on the concepts of promise and world peace. The stamp features a dove, which is a symbol of passion, freedom and peace. Scout rope is used to write out “100” and to encircle the emblems of the World Organization of the Scout Movement and the Scouts of R.O.C., symbolizing that Taiwan is marching forward in step with the world. The blue and green colors of the stamp convey the environmental spirit of the scouts, showing how scouts coexist with nature and conveying a new image of scouting for the new century. To add to the fun and the stamp’s value as a collector’s item, it will be printed in the shape of a rhombus.
世界童軍運動始於1907年,2007年適逢百週年,本公司為紀念童軍新世紀的到來,特規劃發行「世界童軍百週年紀念郵票」1枚,面值為新台幣12元。本 組郵票圖案設計係遵循世界童軍百週年紀念活動的精神,以同心許諾、世界大同的概念出發;主視覺和平鴿,展現出熱情自由及愛好和平的意象。童軍繩圍成100 週年字樣,並圈起世界童軍組織與我國童軍的標誌,象徵臺灣與世界同步的緊密連結。圖案色彩採天然的藍、綠色系,傳達童軍的環保精神,更彰顯童軍與大自然共 存的生態情懷,傳達出童軍百週年的新形象。為增添郵票的收藏價值及趣味性,本組郵票特別設計為正菱形。
Chunghwa Post Co., Ltd.
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