Issued on: 18 Oct, 2006
The upper left is 熱帶斑海豚 (Stenella attenuata) ;
the upper right is 長吻飛旋海豚 (Stenella longirostris) ;
the lower left is 小虎鯨 (Feresa attenuata);
and the lower right is 抹香鯨 (Physeter macrocephalus).
Taiwan. °These stamps feature whales and dolphins, and the backgrounds are sketches of unspecified blue sea or the area of the ocean where the whale watching takes place. Bringing ROC stamps into a new era, Chunghwa Post has, for the first time ever, used teardrop-shaped perforation at the center of the long sides of the stamps and the souvenir sheet. The designs of the stamps follow:
(1) Pantropical Spotted Dolphin (NT$5.00): This dolphin has a slender body covered with spots. It has white lips, a long narrow white beak and a sickle-shaped dorsal fin. There is a gray patch around its eyes that extends to its snout. It is found worldwide in tropical waters between 40°N and 40°S. They are often found in the waters off Hualien County.
(2) Spinner Dolphin (NT$5.00): It has a very long and slender beak. A black stripe on each side extends from its eye to its flipper. There are three layers of different colors along its side. It has a very lively disposition and is a great leaper. It is aptly named, since it often leaps out from under the water’s surface to hit the waves or to spin like a ballerina. It can often be spotted in the waters off Gueishan Island, Ilan County.
(3) Pygmy Killer Whale (NT$10.00): The body color of this whale is dark gray to black. It has a rounded head and no beak or rostrum. The coloration around its mouth is sometimes white. Its dorsal fin shapes like a sickle. Pygmy killer whales usually form groups of 50 or fewer, although groups of several hundred have been sighted. They are often found in the waters off Sansiantai and Fugang, Taitung County.
(4) Sperm Whale (NT$15.00): This whale is exceptional for its large boxy head that makes up about 40% of its total body length. It is dark brown to brown, and the skin around its mouth is white. The upper jaw contains no teeth while the lower jaw has 18-25 functional teeth. A single blowhole is located close to the front of the head and a little off center to the left, and the blow is angled forward. It has no dorsal fin and there is a hump on its back. It is often seen in the waters around Shihti, Hualien County.
臺灣四周環海,東部海域有各式各樣的鯨豚悠游其中。近年來,賞鯨已蔚為時尚的休閒活動。為使國人進一步認識鯨豚,並呼籲民眾在賞鯨之餘兼顧保育,使臺灣擁 有潔淨豐富的海洋生態,本公司續以臺灣東部海域常見之熱帶斑海豚、長吻飛旋海豚、小虎鯨、抹香鯨為主題,發行「鯨豚郵票(95年版)」1組4枚及小全張1 張。
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