Issued: 16 Aug, 2006
Description: from the highest one to lowest one are
Crocothemis servilia servilia (猩紅蜻蜓),
Orthetrum pruinosum (霜白蜻蜓),
Orthetrum pruinosum (侏儒蜻蜓),and
Orthetrum sabina sabina (杜松蜻蜓)
To acquaint ROC citizens with dragonflies, Chunghwa Post issued a series of postage stamps on the topic in 2000 and 2003 separately, and now it is following up with another set of four stamps and a souvenir sheet on paddy dragonflies. The designs of the stamps follow:
(1) Crocothemis servilia servilia: Males have red bodies and obvious amber basal spots in their hindwings. Females have brown-to-dark-brown bodies with a white stripe on the back sides of their thoraxes between the wings. They can be found near rice paddies and ponds in the plains and other low-altitude areas throughout the island.
(2) Orthetrum pruinosum neglectum: Males have olive color compound eyes, steel blue thoraxes, red abdomens and obvious dark brown basal spots in their hindwings. Juvenile males have yellowish-brown basal spots. Females have brown bodies without any markings, and as they mature, the coloration of their thoraxes darkens. They can be found near rice paddies and ponds in the plains and other low-altitude areas throughout the island.
(3) Diplacodes trivialis: Males have light blue compound eyes, steel blue thoraxes with some black stripes, steel blue abdomens which turn black near their light yellow anal appendages. Females have light yellow bodies. They can be found in rice paddies and ponds in the plains and other low-altitude areas, sometimes even in dry riverbeds and near streams, throughout the island.
(4) Orthetrum sabina sabina: Males have olive color compound eyes, yellow green thoracic frontal plates and black lateral thoracic stripes. Their abdomens are black with white markings and their anal appendages are white. There is no difference in the appearance between the two sexes. They can be found in rice paddies from the plains to mid-altitude areas throughout the island. Adults can often be seen in grassy areas farther from water.
A dragonfly is a kind of insect. Dragonflies belong to the order Odonata and the class Insecta. The dragonfly is a predator, it hunts other organisms for food. Dragonflies have been around for 300 million years. There are about 5,300 species of dragonflies around the world. There are about 156 species of dragonflies in Taiwan, including 14 sendemic species and 10 endemic subspecies. The biggest one in Taiwan is Anotogaster sieboldii (無霸勾蜓, 9.2-11.5cm); The smallest one in Taiwan (also the smallest one around the world) is Nannophya pygmaea Rambur (小紅蜻蜓, 1.7-1.8cm).
I don't like dragonflies very much because my junior high school is in the mountain area. After raining, there are many dragonflies around the campus. It's too many dragonflies that makes me fear of a group of dragonflies.
Source of the materials: Wikipedia
Chunghwa Post Co.