Sunday, May 31, 2009
Country: U.S.A.
Username: mejulia
Sent on: 31 May, 2009
Received on: 7 Jun, 2009
Description: 北投溫泉 / Peitou Hot Springs
Peitou, famed for hot sulphur springs, has been a scenic spot in Taipei for a long time.
Nearby are many places of sightseeing interest, among which Tije (subterranean heat) Valley (地熱谷) is the most famous one.
We have many hot springs and some cold springs in Taiwan.
It must be very enjoyable!!!
Country: Germany
Username: berlino
Sent on: 31 May, 2009
Received on: 12 Jun, 2009
Description: 烏來 / Wulai
Wulai is a tourist town most renowned for its hot springs, sightseeing, and aboriginal culture.
Other activities include hiking, camping, swimming, fishing, and birdwatching.
During the spring, visitors come see the sakura trees bloom.
The waterfalls are Wulai Falls (烏來瀑布).
Tourists can go to Yunxian playground (雲仙樂園) , a nature park with gardens, paddle boats, natural trails, and natural obstacle courses, by the telpher.
Country: Finland
Username: argento
Sent on: 31 May, 2009
Received on: 6 Jun, 2009
Description: 大直橋夜景 / Dajhih Bridge Night View
Ninah(argento) would like to receive cards with night scene so I chose this card to her.
The building is The Grand Hotel (圓山大飯店 "Yuanshan Hotel" ), built in 1973.
The hotel's roof is currently the world's largest Chinese classical style roof.
I hope she will like this card, too.
Username: lilypad
Country: United States of America
Sent on: 20 May, 2009
Received on: 29 May, 2009
Description: Alexander Jackson Davis (American, 1803-1892) Elevation of Wildmont Lodge, Residence for Alexander Jackson Davi, Eagle Rock, New Jersey
This card is cute.
It makes me think of fairy tales.
Maybe there are pince and princess live their happy lives in it!!
Country: Canada
Username: Murray
Sent on: 13 May, 2009
Received on: 29 May, 2009
Description: Historic Port Hope (Ontario, Canada)
A beautiful place.
Living there is a wonderful thing!!!
Official Website:
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Country: Japan
Username: 70
Sent on: 11 May, 2009
Received on: 20 May, 2009
Description: Aso Shimodajō Fureai Onsen Station, (阿蘇下田城ふれあい温泉駅, 熊本県)
A train station in Japan, and the mountain bebind the station is Yomine Mountain (夜峰山).
The lenght of the station's name (阿蘇下田城ふれあい温泉駅) is 5th long in Japan.
It's really long.
I like this Japanese style card and stamps.
Country: Hong Kong
Username: pcsuen
Sent on: 11 May, 2009
Received on: 20 May, 2009
Description: The magnificent 27 hole golfcourse in the foreground while the large residential complex lies in the bay.
It's really interesting that my friend sent me a postcard from Hong Kong in April.
I don't receive it yet.
But pcsuen sent me a postcard on 11 May and I received it today.
It's strange.
My friend sent me a few days before pcsuen but I received pcsuen's postcard before my friend's.
I didn't notice that is a golfcourse until I read the description of this card!!
Country: Germany
Username: Nele
Sent on: 11 May, 2009
Received on: 20 May, 2009
Description: Kirchheim unter Teck
Kirchheim unter Teck is set in the foothills of the Swabian Alb.
The town has a population of 40,000 and it is the main centre of the area around the Teck Castle.
This castle and the signet are really attractive.
But Nele didn't tell me anything about it.
If it were not that the official website was on the postcard, I wouldn't know anything about it.
I really want get a postcard and poeple will tell me something about it.
But I still thank you, Nele.
official website:
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Country: Finland
Username: Nitu
Sent on: 19 May,2009
Received on: 25 May, 2009
Description: Sun Moon Lake (日月潭)
Sun Moon Lake is the largest natural lake in Taiwan as well as a tourist attraction.
The eastern part of the lake is round like the sun and the western side is shaped like a crescent moon, hence the name "Sun Moon Lake. "
While swimming in Sun Moon Lake is usually not permitted, there is an annual 3-km race called the Swimming Carnival of Sun Moon Lake held around the Mid-Autumn Festival each year, and in recent years the participants have numbered in the tens of thousands.
Other festivities held at the same time include fireworks, laser shows, and concerts.
Tourists from China love this place.
I like this card very much.
I hope she will like it, too.
official website:
Country: Finland
sername: Smabbe
Sent on: 9 May, 2009
Received on: 19 May, 2009
Description: Laulujoutsen (Cygnus cygnus)
The leftest stamp is Lily of the Valley (Convallaria majalis) and the most right one is Laulujoutsen (Cygnus cygnus) .
The cross-shape stamps are so cute.
This card makes me think of fairy tale 《The Ugly Ducking》.
I like the story.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
特447保育鳥類郵票—栗喉蜂虎 Sp.447 Conservation of Birds Postage Stamps-Blue-tailed Bee-eaters
Issued on: 08 May, 2003
To promote a better understanding about ecological conservation and to raise the image of R.O.C. internationally for its conservation efforts, the Chunghwa Post is taking the bluetailed bee-eater, a protected summer migratory bird species in Kinmen National Park, as the topic for a set of four stamps as well as a souvenir sheet.
The blue-tailed bee-eater (Merops philippinus) belongs to the order Coraciiformes, family Meropidae. The family Meropidae consists of 25 species. More than 30 countries in the world have taken some ten of these species as subjects of bird stamps. Including their tail feathers, blue-tailed bee-eaters are about 30 centimeters long. They look very beautiful with their black eye stripes, sharp and pointy bills, red throats, green backs and blue feathers. They are very nimble and often catch their prey in flight-behavior that has earned them the nickname "hunters on the wing." They come to Kinmen to breed during April and May every year. Their colorful plumage adds many beautiful colors to the summer sky of Kinmen, and the sight of them in flight is enjoyed very much by bird watchers.
The upper left stample is 栗喉蜂虎捕食 / Merops philippinus Foraging;
the upper right is 栗喉蜂虎群棲 / Merops philippinus Roosting;
the lower left is 栗喉蜂虎沐浴 / Merops philippinus Bathing;
and the lower right is 栗喉蜂虎育雛 / Merops philippinus Feeding Chick.
I assumed they must be dinosaurs when I saw this stamp at the first time.
I was so stupid!!!
為宣導自然保育關觀念,並提昇我國國際保育形象,本公司特以金門國家公園中極具代表性之保育夏季候鳥—栗喉蜂虎為主題,印製「保育鳥類郵票—栗喉蜂虎」1組4枚及小全張1張。栗喉蜂虎屬佛法僧目蜂虎科,全世界有25種蜂虎,已有30餘個國家將其中10餘種製作為鳥類專題郵票。栗喉蜂虎,含尾羽約長30公分,黑色的過眼 線、尖尖的嘴喙,配上紅喉、綠背、藍尾,外型豔麗。動作敏捷,常在飛行中捕捉獵物,擁有「空中獵手」的稱號 。每年4、5月間來到金門,營巢繁殖,五彩繽紛的羽毛,總是為金門的夏日天空增添許多斑斕的色彩,令賞鳥人士嘆為觀止。
(1)捕食:栗喉蜂虎是標準的食蟲性鳥類,飛行技巧高超的蜻蜓、蜜蜂、蝴蝶都是牠們的佳餚 ,在自然生態中,亦可藉以控制昆蟲數量、維護昆蟲之多樣化。
(2)群棲:為發揮共同放防禦的優勢,栗喉蜂虎一般集結小群活動、覓食,常見於耕作區域及 樹林旁的電線樹梢上,並以笛聲般的鳴叫聲,來維持同伴間之聯繫。
(4)育雛:栗喉蜂虎的育雛期約1個月,親鳥外出捕捉昆蟲餵食幼鳥,所有會飛的昆蟲都可能 成為幼鳥的食物。親鳥餵食期間非常忙碌,幼鳥常在巢洞口邊搶食。
Source of the materials: Wikipedia
中華民國第十二任總統副總統就職紀念 / The Inauguration of the 12th President and Vice President of the Republic of China Commemorativ
Issued on: 20 May, 2008
The election of the 12th president and vice president of the Republic of China was held on March 22, 2008. Mr. Ma Ying-jeou and Mr. Vincent C. Siew were elected. They will be sworn into office on May 20, 2008. As is customary, this Post is issuing a set of four stamps and a souvenir sheet entitled “The Inauguration of the 12th President and Vice President of the Republic of China Commemorative Issue” to honor and celebrate this occasion, which will be released on the day of the inauguration. The stamps will announce the progress of our nation’s democracy to every corner of the world.
The stamps feature portraits of the president-elect, Mr. Ma Ying-jeou, and the vice-president-elect, Mr. Vincent C. Siew. The ROC flag, the president’s office, the Taipei 101 Building and pictures of various major national construction projects are being used for the backgrounds. The stamps convey the idea that the new government, by leading all the countrymen toward economic prosperity, stable politics, ethnic harmony, better cross-strait relations, and internationalization, will usher in a new era for the country.
中華民國第十二任總統、副總統選舉,已於民國97年3月22日完成,馬英九先生、蕭萬長先生當選為中華民國第十二任總統、副總統,將於5月20日宣誓就 職。為表崇敬,並誌慶祝,本公司特循往例發行「中華民國第十二任總統副總統就職紀念郵票」1組4枚及小全張1張,預定於總統、副總統就職日發行,讓我國民 主政治之進展,隨著郵票翱翔世界每一角落。
Source of the materials: Wikipedia
Saturday, May 16, 2009
特491 臺灣蜻蜓郵票-水田蜻蜓 Sp. 491 Taiwan Dragonflies Postage Stamps - Paddy Dragonflies
Issued: 16 Aug, 2006
Description: from the highest one to lowest one are Crocothemis servilia servilia (猩紅蜻蜓), Orthetrum pruinosum (霜白蜻蜓), Orthetrum pruinosum (侏儒蜻蜓),and Orthetrum sabina sabina (杜松蜻蜓)
To acquaint ROC citizens with dragonflies, Chunghwa Post issued a series of postage stamps on the topic in 2000 and 2003 separately, and now it is following up with another set of four stamps and a souvenir sheet on paddy dragonflies. The designs of the stamps follow:
(1) Crocothemis servilia servilia: Males have red bodies and obvious amber basal spots in their hindwings. Females have brown-to-dark-brown bodies with a white stripe on the back sides of their thoraxes between the wings. They can be found near rice paddies and ponds in the plains and other low-altitude areas throughout the island.
(2) Orthetrum pruinosum neglectum: Males have olive color compound eyes, steel blue thoraxes, red abdomens and obvious dark brown basal spots in their hindwings. Juvenile males have yellowish-brown basal spots. Females have brown bodies without any markings, and as they mature, the coloration of their thoraxes darkens. They can be found near rice paddies and ponds in the plains and other low-altitude areas throughout the island.
(3) Diplacodes trivialis: Males have light blue compound eyes, steel blue thoraxes with some black stripes, steel blue abdomens which turn black near their light yellow anal appendages. Females have light yellow bodies. They can be found in rice paddies and ponds in the plains and other low-altitude areas, sometimes even in dry riverbeds and near streams, throughout the island.
(4) Orthetrum sabina sabina: Males have olive color compound eyes, yellow green thoracic frontal plates and black lateral thoracic stripes. Their abdomens are black with white markings and their anal appendages are white. There is no difference in the appearance between the two sexes. They can be found in rice paddies from the plains to mid-altitude areas throughout the island. Adults can often be seen in grassy areas farther from water.
A dragonfly is a kind of insect. Dragonflies belong to the order Odonata and the class Insecta. The dragonfly is a predator, it hunts other organisms for food. Dragonflies have been around for 300 million years. There are about 5,300 species of dragonflies around the world. There are about 156 species of dragonflies in Taiwan, including 14 sendemic species and 10 endemic subspecies. The biggest one in Taiwan is Anotogaster sieboldii (無霸勾蜓, 9.2-11.5cm); The smallest one in Taiwan (also the smallest one around the world) is Nannophya pygmaea Rambur (小紅蜻蜓, 1.7-1.8cm).
I don't like dragonflies very much because my junior high school is in the mountain area. After raining, there are many dragonflies around the campus. It's too many dragonflies that makes me fear of a group of dragonflies.
Source of the materials: Wikipedia
特479卡通明星郵票-MICKEY MOUSE Sp. 479 Cartoon Figure Postage Stamps – MICKEY MOUSE
Issued: 03 Aug, 2005
So as to raise interest in philately among youths, in 2004 Chunghwa Post issued a set of postage stamps entitled “Cartoon Figure Postage Stamps – HELLO KITTY.” For its second set of cartoon figure stamps, Chunghwa Post has commissioned Walt Disney Taiwan to provide designs featuring Mickey Mouse, a cartoon character much loved by the young, for two souvenir sheets, each consisting of one NT$5 stamp and one NT$25 stamp.
Mickey Mouse has been a world-renowned superstar ever since Walt Disney created him in 1928. He has brought happiness to kids big and small around the world, and he was the first cartoon character to obtain a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Mickey’s optimistic, outgoing, brave, adventurous, fun and loyal character is deeply imprinted in each of his fan’s hearts. He is a kid’s best playmate and an unforgettable part of adults’ childhood memories.
The four stamps in these souvenir sheets feature images of Mickey from four of his classics: the 1928 debut “Steamboat Willie,” the 1940 “Fantasia,” the 1990 “The Prince and the Pauper,” and the 2004 “Mickey’s Twice Upon a Christmas.” This is the first Mickey Mouse collection in Taiwan featuring images of him from four different eras, making it highly collectible.
I like Disney cartoons and I like Mickey Mouse. When I was in my first year of junior high, one of my classmate was similar to Donald Duck.But I like Mickey Mouse more than Donald Duck!!! Because I think Mickey Mouse is much more cute!!!
本公司為提升青少年集郵風氣,使集郵人口向下扎根,繼民國93年的「卡通明星郵票-HELLO KITTY」,續以深受青少年喜愛之卡通明星米奇為主角,委託台灣華特迪士尼股份有限公司精心設計「卡通明星郵票-MICKEY MOUSE」小全張2張,內含面值新台幣5元及25元郵票各1枚。
1928年華特‧迪士尼創造出米奇,自此米奇成為家喻戶曉的國際巨星,他為全球 的大小朋友帶來無數的歡樂,更是第一位在好萊塢星光大道留下印記的動畫明星。多年來,樂觀積極、勇敢冒險、歡樂有趣、重視友誼的形象深植人心,成為小朋友 心中的最佳玩伴,更是大人們難以忘懷的童年記憶。
Chunghwa Post Co.
特522 保育鳥類郵票-臺灣藍鵲 Sp. 522 Conservation of Birds Postage Stamps — Taiwan Blue Magpie
Issued on: 09 Jul, 2008
Description: 台灣蘭鵲(Táiwān lán què) / The Formosan Blue Magpie (Urocissa caerulea)
The Formosan Blue Magpie (Urocissa caerulea), also called the Taiwan Magpieor and the " 長尾山娘(Chángwěi shānniáng)/ long-tailed mountain lady ." It is an endemic species living in the mountains of Taiwan at elevations of 300 to 1200m. The Formosan Blue Magpie is voted as the national bird of the Republic of China, commonly known as "Taiwan." The voice is described as a high pitched cackling chatter, "kyak-kyak-kyak-kyak."
Taiwan blue magpie is a member of the Corvidae family and a protected species endemic to Taiwan. Its head and breast are black. The rest of its body is blue. Its tail feathers are exceptionally long. The bird’s gorgeous plumage makes it a frequent target of hunters. Overdevelopment and pollution pose an even more serious threat. To call attention to the importance of ecological conservation, this Post specially commissioned Professor Yuan Hsiao-wei at National Taiwan University to plan a set of four stamps and a souvenir sheet on the Taiwan blue magpie. The designs follow:
1. Foraging (NT$5.00): Taiwan blue magpie is an omnivorous bird. Its diverse diet, group living habit, large stature, and combative nature are all advantageous
traits in terms of survival. Its food storing behavior gives it another survival advantage in the face of natural change.
2. Rearing the young (NT$5.00): Taiwan blue magpies are cooperative breeders; individuals other than a chick’s parents, including both other adults and sub-adults, can help provide care and that ensure group survival.
3. Sub-adults (NT$12.00): In most bird species, the parents gradually drive their young away to find their own territory after they are grown, yet the sub-adults of Taiwan blue magpies stay to help rear their younger siblings.
4. Flying (NT$12.00): Also known as “long-tailed mountain ladies,” Taiwan blue magpies live in groups. When they fly in a line, it appears as if they are building beautiful “bird bridges” in the forests. The sight is magnificent.
臺灣藍鵲屬鴉科,為臺灣特有種保育鳥類,其形態特徵為頭至胸部黑色,嘴喙與雙腳紅色,其餘部分大致為藍色,尾羽甚長。由於羽色華麗,常受獵人覬覦,更因環 境過度開發與污染而面臨嚴重的生存壓力。為喚起人們對生態保育的重視,特委請臺灣大學袁孝維教授規劃「保育鳥類郵票-臺灣藍鵲」1組4枚及小全張1張。茲 將本組郵票圖案簡介如下:
Source of the materials: Wikipedia
特523清艾啟蒙百鹿圖古畫郵票 Sp.523Ancient Chinese Painting “A Hundred Deer” by Ignace Sichelbart, Cing Dynasty Postage Stamps
Issued on: 16 Jul, 2008
Description: ancient Chinese painting " A Hundred Deers" by Ignaz Sichelbarth, The Ching Dynasty (Manchu Dynasty) / 清-艾啟蒙-百鹿圖古畫郵票
To promote an appreciation of ancient Chinese art and philately, this Post is issuing a set of eight stamps (each with a denomination of NT$5.00) that is based on the Cing Dynasty painting Bailutu (A Hundred Deer) by Ignace Sichelbart from the National Palace Museum collection. The full painting will be printed in a se-tenant block of eight stamps in two rows of four. The eight stamps are not uniform in size. Instead there are five different sizes of stamp. This variety of sizes enables the se-tenant block to be broken up into compositionally coherent individual stamps. Designed by Up Creative Design and Advertising Corporation and printed in color deep-etch offset by China Color Printing Co., Ltd., the stamps will be released on July 16, 2008.
Ignace Sichelbart (1708-1780, Chinese name Ai Ci-meng, style name Sing-an) was from Bohemia (part of present day Czech Republic). He became a Cing court painter in 1745 (the tenth year of Emperor Cianlong’s reign), working in Ruyi Hall in the palace along with Giuseppe Castiglione and Jean Denis Attiret. Conferred a title of the third rank, he was especially good at painting birds. Bailutu (or A Hundred Deer) depicts a group of deer wandering on an open meadow between frosted trees with rugged slopes in the background.
The deer can be seen in a great variety of poses—grazing, resting, swimming, drinking water, running, butting heads, or kneeling while making calls.
Ignatius Sichelbarth(1708-1780) was a Bohemian (the Czech Republic). He was a missionary and went to China to do missionary work.He was good at painting portraits and animals. "Deer(鹿)" and "happiness(祿)" are homonyms in Chinese means blessing in Chinese.
為宣揚中華文化,介紹古代精緻藝術品及推展集郵業務,續以國立故宮博物院典藏之清艾啟蒙百鹿圖古畫為主題,印製「清艾啟蒙百鹿圖古畫郵票」1組8枚,面值 均為5元。郵票以上下各4枚2行聯刷方式精印,構成全幅畫卷,全張郵票由1組8枚郵票組成,為求郵票構圖之美觀及完整,共有5種大小不等之票幅。
艾 啟蒙(西元1708-1780年),字醒菴,波西米亞人,乾隆10年入如意館,與郎世寧、王致誠同為畫院供奉。善畫,尤工翎毛,賜三品銜。百鹿圖描繪曠野 霜林,坡陀平衍,百鹿遨遊,或低頭嚙草,或悠然憩息,或競渡於水中,或群飲於湖畔,或錯愕而奔,或牴角而鬥,跪臥仰鳴,百態悉備,無不生動。
Chunghwa Post Co.
紀 312 國立臺灣博物館建館百週年紀念郵票 Com.312 100th Anniversary of the National Taiwan Museum Commemorative Issue
Issued on: 20 May, 2008
Description: There are the most representable collections of National Taiwan Museum.
Formerly the Taiwan Governor-General’s Museum, the National Taiwan Museum, founded in 1908, is the oldest museum in Taiwan. The museum’s focus is on natural history. 2008 is the 100th anniversary since the founding of the National Taiwan Museum. To commemorate the occasion, this Post is issuing a set of two stamps and a souvenir sheet featuring the museum’s most treasured pieces: the Yellow Tiger Flag of Democratic Taiwan, a portrait of Jheng Cheng-gong, and a map of Taiwan dating from the Emperor Kangsi’s reign during the Cing Dynasty. The NT$5 stamp depicts the Yellow Tiger Flag of Democratic Taiwan and the NT$25 stamp portrays Jheng Cheng-gong with the detail of a map of Taiwan dating from the Emperor Kangsi’s reign during the Cing Dynasty as background. The souvenir sheet includes one each of the mentioned stamps with a large detail of the above-mentioned map as background. On its upper right and left corners, there are the designs of the museum and the logo of the 100th anniversary. The designs follow:
1. The Yellow Tiger Flag of Democratic Taiwan: In 1895, the Cing Dynasty of China ceded Taiwan to Japan. The local gentry petitioned unsuccessfully for the Cing court to reverse the decision. Without China’s support, people in Taiwan declared independence and established the Republic of Formosa. The republic’s flag featured a yellow tiger on a blue ground. They intentionally chose the tiger, which, however formidable, falls behind the Cing court’s dragon.
2. A portrait of Jheng Cheng-gong: This portrait is the earliest and most lifelike of all the extant Jheng portraits. It is believed that Jheng commissioned an artist to paint this portrait in Tainan. In 1911, it was included in the collection of the Taiwan Shrine. Later, a Japanese governor of Taiwan ordered a Japanese painter to make a copy and put it in Kaishan Shrine. That copy is also part of the museum collection today.
3. A map of Taiwan: This is the earliest extant map of Taiwan painted on a horizontal silk scroll in the style of Chinese landscape painting. It is 569 cm in length and 70 cm in width. In 1902 the Office of the Taiwan Governor-General bought this map. It then became one of the important holdings of the Taiwan Governor-General’s Museum. The museum commissioned painters to paint copies of it, and these copies are likewise found in the National Taiwan Museum’s collection.
國立臺灣博物館前身為「臺灣總督府博物館」,創立於1908年,是臺灣歷史最悠久、以臺灣自然史為特色的博物館。本年適逢該館建館百週年,本公司特選其最 具代表性的珍貴藏品「臺灣民主國藍地黃虎旗」、「鄭成功畫像」、「康熙臺灣輿圖」為主題,發行「國立臺灣博物館建館百週年紀念郵票」1組2枚及小全張1 張。
本組郵票5元面值以「臺灣民主國藍地黃虎旗」為主圖,25元面值以「鄭成功畫像」為主圖,背景均擷取「康熙臺灣輿圖」之局部鋪陳;小全張以上 述郵票各1枚組成,背景襯以「康熙臺灣輿圖」之局部,左、右上角並納入國立臺灣博物館館貌圖案及該館建館百週年logo。茲將郵票主題圖案簡介如下:
Source of the materials: Wikipedia
特528 可愛動物郵票-大貓熊 Sp.528 Cute Animal Series Postage Stamps – Giant Panda
Issued on: 20 Jan, 2009
Description: The left is Tuan Tuan, and the right is Yuan Yuan.
Having previously issued “Cute Animal Series Postage Stamps—Lesser Panda” on April 25, 2007, Chunghwa Post is following up with a set of two stamps and a miniature sheet featuring the giant pandas Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan, which were offered as a gift to the Taipei Zoo by China’s Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits. The stamp featureing Tuan Tuan is denominated at NT$5.00 while Yuan Yuan is denominated at NT$9.00. The miniature sheet is denominated at NT$25.00.
The giant panda is a charming and adorable animal. It has a face of a cat and a chubby body of a bear. At birth, it weighs only 50 to 160 grams and its body appears reddish, bare and shiny. It is reared by the mother alone. It will become independent from its mother when it reaches 18 months. A grown-up panda is stout. It is about 160 to 180 centimeters in height when standing up straight, and it weighs about 80 to 125 kilograms. The fur around its eyes and on its ears, limbs, chest and back is black, and the fur on the rest of its body is white. The black and white of its coat provides a stark contrast. It has thick skin and fur, and is not afraid of the cold. Bamboo is the giant panda’s main food source. It uses its sixth toe on its paws to grasp poles of bamboo. Currently, wild populations of pandas exist only in China—in the Sichuan Basin of Sichuan Province and the Qinling Mountains of Shaanxi Province. As a result of various factors, a low fertility rate, excessive hunting, destruction of habitat, and the lowering of genetic diversity, the wild population has rapidly dwindled. Yet, with growing consciousness about conservation and the concerted efforts of many, it is currently well protected.
大 貓熊臉形有點像貓,身體則酷似熊,是一種深具魅力、人見人愛的動物。牠出生時體重僅約50至160公克,身體呈肉紅色,裸露光亮,由母貓熊單獨撫育,18 月齡方離開母親獨立生活。成長後體型圓胖碩壯,站立起來高約160至180公分,體重約80至125公斤;眼周、耳朵、四肢、胸及背為黑色,其餘部位為白 色,體色黑白對比明顯,毛皮粗厚,不懼寒冷。大貓熊以竹子為主要食物,牠的手掌多了一個偽拇指,用以掌握竹莖。現今野生大貓熊僅生長在中國大陸四川盆地與 陜西秦嶺一帶。由於生育力低,且曾面臨濫捕、棲地破壞及遺傳多樣性降低等問題,致使野生種群數量銳減。目前在保育意識抬頭及各界努力下,受到完善的保護。
I haven't seen them yet. Maybe one day I will.
Source of the materials: Wikipedia
紀296 第11任總統副總統就職紀念郵票 Com. 296 The Inauguration of the Eleventh President and Vice President Commemorative Issue
Issued on: 20 May, 2004
Description: They are the 10th and 11th president and vice president of Taiwan (2000.05.20~2008.05.20), also the 2nd and 3rd president and vice president by vote. And the backgrounds are presidential palace, Taipei 101, Taiwan High Speed Rail, and freeway, etc.
The election of the eleventh president and vice president of the Republic of China was held on
The designs of the stamps follow:
(1) The four stamps are printed in a horizontal se-tenant strip and feature portraits of President Chen Shui-bian and Vice-president Hsiu-lien Annette Lu and the appeals for “Solidarity in Taiwan,” “Stabilization across the Taiwan Strait,” “Stability of the Society” and “Economic Prosperity” that President Chen made in his acceptance speech on March 20 or formulated during the first term of his presidency.第 11任總統、副總統選舉,已於民國93年3月20日完成,並由中央選舉委員會於3月26日公告當選名單。陳水扁先生、呂秀蓮女士當選連任為中華民國第11 任總統、副總統,將於5月20日宣誓就職。為表崇敬,並誌慶祝,本公司特循往例,印製「第11任總統副總統就職紀念郵票」1組4枚及小型張1張。
I don't like them.
I buy this stamp only because of the backgrounds.
Source of the materials: Wikipedia
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Country: Netherlands
Username: regayov
Sent on: 14 May, 2009
Received on: 22 May, 2009
Description: 澎湖桶盤嶼 / Barrel Islet, Penghu
The islet, known as " the Yellow Stone Park of Penghu", is situated about 7 kilometers from Makung(馬公市).
Because of its outlook is like a barrel, the ialet is called " the Barrel Islet, " which is completely made up of basalt.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Country: Finland
Username: Dixie-
Sent on: 24 Apr, 2009
Received on: 13 May, 2009
Description: a view of winter night
This picture makes me think of pumpkins maybe because of the light.
This picture makes feel warm, too.
Country: Italy
Username: mypostcard
Sent on: 1 May, 2009
Received on: 13 May, 2009
Description: colors of nature
This is my first card from Italy.
The beauty of silence makes me comfortable.
I like it.
- 留言者: yc
- Email:
- 網址:
- 日期: 2009-05-13 15:50:44
- 留言者: yupost
- Email:
- 網址:
- 日期: 2009-05-16 10:05:54
It looks like a scene of a fairy tale.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Country: Finland
Username: peja
Sent on: 22 Apr, 2009
Received on: 11 May, 2009
Description: orangutan
The Finnish means " thank you ".
The stamp makes me think of Christianity.
Country: Philippines
Username: davanita
Sent on: 25 Apr, 2009
Received on: 11 May, 2009
Description: The Philippine Jeepney in Manila, Philippines
A major form of transportation in Philippines.
It's like a small bus which has a set route and you should hand your fare to the driver.
But it's also a major cause of traffic jams because the driver will stop it whenever passengers want.
I think it's really cool but I hate traffic jams.
And the car is so attractive.
- 留言者: Evelyn Yvonne Theriault
- Email:
- 網址:
- 日期: 2009-05-16 14:38:32
May I post a link to this blog in my next A FESTIVAL OF POSTCARDS ?
If you are interested please leave a message in the Comment Box here:
Happy Postcarding!
Evelyn in Montreal
- 留言者: yupost
- Email:
- 網址:
- 日期: 2009-05-16 15:37:50
I'm glad that you like my postcard!!
- 留言者: Pearl Maple
- Email:
- 網址:
- 日期: 2009-05-21 07:11:31
Country: Estonia
Username: ulvikaru
Sent on: 11 May, 2009
Received on: 1 Jun, 2009
Description: 澎湖西臺古堡 / Penghu Hsitai Castle
This castle is located on the southern coast of Wai-an village(外安村) of Hsi-yu Hsiang(西嶼縣) in Penghu. It was constructed for defense purpose by order of Minister Lee of the Ching Dynasty(清朝). Now it has been designated as the National firstclass relics.
Country: Finland
Username: Erla
Sent on: 10 May, 2009
Received on: 19 May, 2009
I like this card very much because as soon as I see it I will be happy.
The Chinese words mean "everything will be fine! Every day is a happy day! "
I hope Eria will like it, too.
- 留言者: Cheap Postcard Printing
- Email:
- 網址:
- 日期: 2009-05-11 22:45:21
- 留言者: yupost
- Email:
- 網址:
- 日期: 2009-05-16 10:00:45
Hope your life will like the message!!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Country: Poland
Username: Leonaxe20
Sent on: 11 May, 2009
Received on: 14 May, 2009
Description: Yangmingshan National Park
I have camped there 5 years ago.
It's very cold at night!!!
The hot springs there are pretty well.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Country: United States of America
Username: wiredmage
Sent on: 25 Apr, 2009
Received on: 7 May, 2009
Description: Whimsical toy trains whistle through the snowy Black Forest, part the Bavarian Christmas Village at the Yankee Candle Company!
My first time to see this card, I thought the trains is too cute just like toy trains.
And then I turned it over, my guess was true that the trains are toy trains.
I like this card very much.
Thank you, Bobby!!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Country: China
Username: memehei
Sent on: 6 May,2009
Received on: 16 Jun, 2009
Description: 九讚頭車站 / Jiu Zan Tou Train Station
She is a student of Fine arts academy. She love paintings so I chose this card to her.
This station is on the branch of railway line.
I hope she will like it!!
Country: Finland
Username: Marzie
Sent on: 26 Apr, 2009
Received on: 6 May, 2009
Description:The Bullfinch, Common Bullfinch or Eurasian Bullfinch,Punatulkku,紅腹灰雀(Pyrrhula pyrrhula)
It's a bird named Punatulkku (Finnish),Bullfinch (English), 紅腹赤雀 (Chinese).
Really cute, I like this card very much!!
But this kind of bird doesn't live in Taiwan.
This bird breeds across Europe and temperate Asia. It is mainly resident, but many northern birds migrate further south in the winter.
Mixed woodland with some conifers is favoured for breeding, including parkland and gardens. It builds its nest in a bush, (preferably more than 4 metres tall and wide),mature stands of scrub, or tree, laying 4-7 eggs. The food is mainly seeds and buds of fruit trees, which can make it a pest in orchards. If wild bird cover is planted for it,Kale, Quinoa and Millet are preferred, next to tall hedges or woodland.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Country: Estonia
Username: Trishka
Sent on: 5 May, 2009
Received on: 18 May, 2009
It's an interesting phenomenon in Taiwan that most Taiwanese like anything from Japan.
Taiwanese especially love goods made in Japan.
In Taiwanese impression, everything which is made in Japan is good.
In Taiwan, we have 3 channels only broadcasting Japanese dramas, Japanese programs, etc.
And many Taiwanese learn Japanese.
I am one of them!!
Monday, May 4, 2009
紀310 臺北2008第21屆亞洲國際郵展紀念郵票 Com.310 TAIPEI 2008 - 21st Asian International Stamp Exhibition Commemorative Issue
Issued on: 07 Mar, 2009
The TAIPEI 2008 - 21st Asian International Stamp Exhibition will be held on March 7 - 11, 2008 at the Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition Hall 3. To commemorate this philatelic gala, this Post is issuing a set of four stamps and a souvenir sheet featuring four ancient bird paintings from the National Palace Museum collection: Plum Blossoms and Solitary Bird by Pien Wen-chin, Ming Dynasty; Apricot Blossoms and Peacocks by Lü Chi, Ming Dynasty; Wild Duck by a Brook by Ch’en Lin, Yüan Dynasty; and Bamboo and Shrike by Li An-chung, Sung Dynasty. With the aim of providing an innovative design that makes the issue highly collectible, a teardrop-shaped perforation has been punched at the center of the left and right sides of each stamp on the souvenir sheet. The stamp designs follow:
1. Plum Blossoms and Solitary Bird by Pien Wen-chin, Ming Dynasty (NT$5.00): A great scholar and poet, he was also a master of the flower-and-bird genre of painting. This painting depicts a yellow-browed bunting perched on a plum branch, craning its neck as it looks around. The rendering of the bird’s fluffy plumage and the tree’s gnarled branches accurately conveys not only the appearance but also the spirit of the subject matter.
2. Apricot Blossoms and Peacocks by Lü Chi, Ming Dynasty (NT$9.00): The white apricot blossoms and the red peonies complement each other, imparting a cheerful spring atmosphere. Lü employed the circled petal technique for the apricot blossoms, and the plumage of the peacocks shows meticulous rendering.
3. Wild Duck by a Brook by Ch’en Lin, Yüan Dynasty (NT$13.00): The painting depicts a wild duck under a hibiscus bush at the water’s edge. The brushwork for the duck is finely executed without appearing overly meticulous. The brushstrokes for the water ripples and the hibiscus bush demonstrate great vitality and less attention to detail. The painting is a celebration of the joys of nature.
4. Bamboo and Shrike by Li An-chung, Sung Dynasty (NT$15.00): Li An-chung was a noted master of painting flowers, birds and animals. He was particularly noted for his goule (contour drawing) technique. The painting shows a shrike perched on a thorny branch. The bird’s hooked beak clearly shows that it is a carnivore. The bamboo leaves under the bird were painted using the double outline technique, for which thin contour lines are drawn first and then filled in with color. The execution of the brushwork is refined and the choice of colors graceful.
「臺北2008第21屆亞洲國際郵展」定於97年3月7日至11日在臺北世界貿易中心展覽三館舉行,為紀念2008年郵展盛事,本公司特以廣受大眾喜愛的 故宮珍藏古畫為題材,配合郵展主題—臺灣生態之美,選取明/邊文進‧梅花幽鳥、明/呂紀‧杏花孔雀、元/陳琳‧溪鳧圖及宋/李安忠‧竹鳩4幅古畫,發行 「臺北2008第21屆亞洲國際郵展紀念郵票」1組4枚及小全張1張。秉持創新求變的設計理念,小全張每枚郵票左右兩邊中央打上1個水滴狀齒孔,以增添郵 票收藏的趣味性。茲將郵票圖案簡介如下:
一、明 邊文進 梅花幽鳥(面值5元):邊文進,名景昭。博學能詩,善畫花鳥。圖繪白梅盛開,一黃眉鵐棲於梅枝引頸顧望,鳥身羽毛鬆活、枝幹曲虯橫出,極為逼真傳神。
二、明 呂紀 杏花孔雀(面值9元):呂紀,字廷振,號樂愚,一作樂漁。此畫整體風貌,杏花牡丹,嫣紅粉白相映,一派春日歡欣。畫法杏花圈瓣,孔雀翎毛,用筆沉著而精工。
三、元 陳琳 溪鳧圖(面值13元):陳琳,字仲美。圖繪水邊芙蓉下,有一野鴨。鴨的用筆細緻而不流於工整板滯,水紋和芙蓉的用筆更是活潑粗放,是幅饒富野逸畫趣之作。
四、宋 李安忠 竹鳩(面值15元):李安忠。工畫花鳥、走獸,尤工鉤勒。圖繪荊條上立一伯勞,爪喙鉤曲,蓋肉食者。下畫竹梢,雙鉤填色。全幅鉤畫細謹,設色雅馴。
新年郵票-台灣水牛/New Year Stamp-Bubalus
My friend bought me this stamp from vending machine today.
Many old Taiwanese have special emotion to Bubalus because Bubalus helped them to do farm work.
Some of them in order to show their appreciation for Bubalus, they and their later generations never eat beef.
In our customs, we use 12 animals symbolizing the Twelve Branches to designate years (according to lunar calendar).
The 12 animals are: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Boar.
It will repeat after 12 years.
This year is Ox Year so I guess it was printed this year.
Country: Finland
Username: Jeney
Sent on: 4 May, 2009
Received on: 10 May, 2009
Description: Hsintien Pitan (新店碧潭)
This lake is a part of Hsintien stream, south of Taipei. Favorite subjects are cliffs, the clear water, and a 200-meter suspension bridge. It is an interesting place for fishing and boating.
I have lived in Hsintien since I was born. The most famous place in Hsintien is Pitan(碧潭). When it comes to Hsintien, almost every Taiwanese will think of Pitan. As the postcard shows, you can rent rowboats there, so many young couples date there. But my mom doesn't let us boat because she is worry about the security. So she took ue there to visit the suspension bridge. My family took a few photos on the suspension bridge when I was a little girl.