Issued: 03 Aug, 2005
So as to raise interest in philately among youths, in 2004 Chunghwa Post issued a set of postage stamps entitled “Cartoon Figure Postage Stamps – HELLO KITTY.” For its second set of cartoon figure stamps, Chunghwa Post has commissioned Walt Disney Taiwan to provide designs featuring Mickey Mouse, a cartoon character much loved by the young, for two souvenir sheets, each consisting of one NT$5 stamp and one NT$25 stamp.
Mickey Mouse has been a world-renowned superstar ever since Walt Disney created him in 1928. He has brought happiness to kids big and small around the world, and he was the first cartoon character to obtain a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Mickey’s optimistic, outgoing, brave, adventurous, fun and loyal character is deeply imprinted in each of his fan’s hearts. He is a kid’s best playmate and an unforgettable part of adults’ childhood memories.
The four stamps in these souvenir sheets feature images of Mickey from four of his classics: the 1928 debut “Steamboat Willie,” the 1940 “Fantasia,” the 1990 “The Prince and the Pauper,” and the 2004 “Mickey’s Twice Upon a Christmas.” This is the first Mickey Mouse collection in Taiwan featuring images of him from four different eras, making it highly collectible.
I like Disney cartoons and I like Mickey Mouse. When I was in my first year of junior high, one of my classmate was similar to Donald Duck.But I like Mickey Mouse more than Donald Duck!!! Because I think Mickey Mouse is much more cute!!!
本公司為提升青少年集郵風氣,使集郵人口向下扎根,繼民國93年的「卡通明星郵票-HELLO KITTY」,續以深受青少年喜愛之卡通明星米奇為主角,委託台灣華特迪士尼股份有限公司精心設計「卡通明星郵票-MICKEY MOUSE」小全張2張,內含面值新台幣5元及25元郵票各1枚。
1928年華特‧迪士尼創造出米奇,自此米奇成為家喻戶曉的國際巨星,他為全球 的大小朋友帶來無數的歡樂,更是第一位在好萊塢星光大道留下印記的動畫明星。多年來,樂觀積極、勇敢冒險、歡樂有趣、重視友誼的形象深植人心,成為小朋友 心中的最佳玩伴,更是大人們難以忘懷的童年記憶。
Chunghwa Post Co.
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