Saturday, May 16, 2009

特523清艾啟蒙百鹿圖古畫郵票 Sp.523Ancient Chinese Painting “A Hundred Deer” by Ignace Sichelbart, Cing Dynasty Postage Stamps

Issued on: 16 Jul, 2008
Description: ancient Chinese painting " A Hundred Deers" by Ignaz Sichelbarth, The Ching Dynasty (Manchu Dynasty) / 清-艾啟蒙-百鹿圖古畫郵票

To promote an appreciation of ancient Chinese art and philately, this Post is issuing a set of eight stamps (each with a denomination of NT$5.00) that is based on the Cing Dynasty painting Bailutu (A Hundred Deer) by Ignace Sichelbart from the National Palace Museum collection. The full painting will be printed in a se-tenant block of eight stamps in two rows of four. The eight stamps are not uniform in size. Instead there are five different sizes of stamp. This variety of sizes enables the se-tenant block to be broken up into compositionally coherent individual stamps. Designed by Up Creative Design and Advertising Corporation and printed in color deep-etch offset by China Color Printing Co., Ltd., the stamps will be released on July 16, 2008.
Ignace Sichelbart (1708-1780, Chinese name Ai Ci-meng, style name Sing-an) was from Bohemia (part of present day Czech Republic). He became a Cing court painter in 1745 (the tenth year of Emperor Cianlong’s reign), working in Ruyi Hall in the palace along with Giuseppe Castiglione and Jean Denis Attiret. Conferred a title of the third rank, he was especially good at painting birds. Bailutu (or A Hundred Deer) depicts a group of deer wandering on an open meadow between frosted trees with rugged slopes in the background.
The deer can be seen in a great variety of poses—grazing, resting, swimming, drinking water, running, butting heads, or kneeling while making calls.

Ignatius Sichelbarth(1708-1780) was a Bohemian (the Czech Republic). He was a missionary and went to China to do missionary work.He was good at painting portraits and animals. "Deer(鹿)" and "happiness(祿)" are homonyms in Chinese means blessing in Chinese.

為宣揚中華文化,介紹古代精緻藝術品及推展集郵業務,續以國立故宮博物院典藏之清艾啟蒙百鹿圖古畫為主題,印製「清艾啟蒙百鹿圖古畫郵票」1組8枚,面值 均為5元。郵票以上下各4枚2行聯刷方式精印,構成全幅畫卷,全張郵票由1組8枚郵票組成,為求郵票構圖之美觀及完整,共有5種大小不等之票幅。
艾 啟蒙(西元1708-1780年),字醒菴,波西米亞人,乾隆10年入如意館,與郎世寧、王致誠同為畫院供奉。善畫,尤工翎毛,賜三品銜。百鹿圖描繪曠野 霜林,坡陀平衍,百鹿遨遊,或低頭嚙草,或悠然憩息,或競渡於水中,或群飲於湖畔,或錯愕而奔,或牴角而鬥,跪臥仰鳴,百態悉備,無不生動。

Chunghwa Post Co.

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