Issued on: 20 Aug, 2008
義民節(yi min jie) is a festival can be traced back to AD1835(Dau-kuan 15). And it is held by Hakka. Because some Hakka help Emperor Dau-kuan against the revolt. Hakka is a sub-nation in Taiwan and China.
Taiwan celebrates a great number of historical, folk, and international festivals. To give people a better understanding of the rich diversity of folk festivals in Taiwan, this Post has planned a series of stamps on the subject. The first in the series, a souvenir sheet, takes the Yimin Festival as its theme. The souvenir sheet is denominated at NT$20.00 (comprising four stamps, each with a denomination of NT$5.00.)
According to historical records, in 1786, during the Cing dynasty, Lin Shuang-wen led an uprising against Manchu rule. Fighting spread throughout the island. The Lin family in Liujhangli (today’s Liujia, Chubei City) recruited villagers and organized a militia with the Hoklos in Jhujhan and some Pingpu indigenous people. The militia defended their homes and helped the Cing army put down the rebellion. In 1788, after the uprising was put down, the Cing emperor Cianlong awarded the militia a wooden memorial inscribed with the characters “bao jhong” (commending loyalty), which he wrote himself , in praise of the martyred militiamen. The Yimin Festival has since become the biggest celebration of Hakka people in Taiwan.
The ceremony starts with the erection of lantern poles to invite ghosts and deities to come join in the celebration, which is followed by the installation of the deity Dashihye, the release of water lanterns, pig and goat horn competitions, and the three solemn consecrations to the martyred militiamen. Finally, the Pudu (universal salvation) ceremony is performed during worship of Tiangong (the Heavenly Father). The four stamps in the souvenir sheet feature the exterior of the Sinpu Yimin Temple of Hsinchu (Taiwan’s most popular Yimin temple), and three ceremonial rituals: a pig competition, the erection of lantern poles, and eating sweet congee. Meanwhile, the background of the souvenir sheet showcases the magnificent swallowtail roof and the pailou (decorated archway) of the “bao jhong” pavilion of the temple.
據 史書記載,西元1786年(清乾隆51年)林爽文之亂,戰事遍及全台,六張犁(竹北六家)林家出面邀集鄉民,與竹塹城閩籍人士及平埔原住民組成義民軍執戈 衛鄉,並協助清軍剿亂。1788年戰事平定,清高宗乾隆皇帝特頒御筆親書「褒忠」敕旨,以褒揚陣亡義民們忠義衛土的精神,義民節因此成為客家人最大的慶典 節日。
義民節祭典以豎燈篙揭開序幕,豎燈篙的意義在於招請各地鬼神前來接受普渡,接著是安大士爺、放水燈、賽神豬、競羊角等,先以莊嚴隆重的三獻 禮祭拜義民爺,隨後在拜天公儀式中開始普渡。小全張特選取臺灣義民廟中首屈一指的新竹「新埔義民廟」外觀及義民節祭典活動之「賽神豬」、「豎燈篙」、「吃 糖粥」等4個主題作為郵票圖案,並擷取該廟雄偉壯觀的燕尾脊及褒忠亭牌樓作為插圖。
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