Monday, May 4, 2009

紀310 臺北2008第21屆亞洲國際郵展紀念郵票 Com.310 TAIPEI 2008 - 21st Asian International Stamp Exhibition Commemorative Issue

Taipei 2008 - 21st Asian International Stamp Exhibition Commemorative Issue

Issued on: 07 Mar, 2009

The TAIPEI 2008 - 21st Asian International Stamp Exhibition will be held on March 7 - 11, 2008 at the Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition Hall 3. To commemorate this philatelic gala, this Post is issuing a set of four stamps and a souvenir sheet featuring four ancient bird paintings from the National Palace Museum collection: Plum Blossoms and Solitary Bird by Pien Wen-chin, Ming Dynasty; Apricot Blossoms and Peacocks by Lü Chi, Ming Dynasty; Wild Duck by a Brook by Ch’en Lin, Yüan Dynasty; and Bamboo and Shrike by Li An-chung, Sung Dynasty. With the aim of providing an innovative design that makes the issue highly collectible, a teardrop-shaped perforation has been punched at the center of the left and right sides of each stamp on the souvenir sheet. The stamp designs follow:

1. Plum Blossoms and Solitary Bird by Pien Wen-chin, Ming Dynasty (NT$5.00): A great scholar and poet, he was also a master of the flower-and-bird genre of painting. This painting depicts a yellow-browed bunting perched on a plum branch, craning its neck as it looks around. The rendering of the bird’s fluffy plumage and the tree’s gnarled branches accurately conveys not only the appearance but also the spirit of the subject matter.
2. Apricot Blossoms and Peacocks by Lü Chi, Ming Dynasty (NT$9.00): The white apricot blossoms and the red peonies complement each other, imparting a cheerful spring atmosphere. Lü employed the circled petal technique for the apricot blossoms, and the plumage of the peacocks shows meticulous rendering.
3. Wild Duck by a Brook by Ch’en Lin, Yüan Dynasty (NT$13.00): The painting depicts a wild duck under a hibiscus bush at the water’s edge. The brushwork for the duck is finely executed without appearing overly meticulous. The brushstrokes for the water ripples and the hibiscus bush demonstrate great vitality and less attention to detail. The painting is a celebration of the joys of nature.
4. Bamboo and Shrike by Li An-chung, Sung Dynasty (NT$15.00): Li An-chung was a noted master of painting flowers, birds and animals. He was particularly noted for his goule (contour drawing) technique. The painting shows a shrike perched on a thorny branch. The bird’s hooked beak clearly shows that it is a carnivore. The bamboo leaves under the bird were painted using the double outline technique, for which thin contour lines are drawn first and then filled in with color. The execution of the brushwork is refined and the choice of colors graceful.

「臺北2008第21屆亞洲國際郵展」定於97年3月7日至11日在臺北世界貿易中心展覽三館舉行,為紀念2008年郵展盛事,本公司特以廣受大眾喜愛的 故宮珍藏古畫為題材,配合郵展主題—臺灣生態之美,選取明/邊文進‧梅花幽鳥、明/呂紀‧杏花孔雀、元/陳琳‧溪鳧圖及宋/李安忠‧竹鳩4幅古畫,發行 「臺北2008第21屆亞洲國際郵展紀念郵票」1組4枚及小全張1張。秉持創新求變的設計理念,小全張每枚郵票左右兩邊中央打上1個水滴狀齒孔,以增添郵 票收藏的趣味性。茲將郵票圖案簡介如下:
一、明 邊文進 梅花幽鳥(面值5元):邊文進,名景昭。博學能詩,善畫花鳥。圖繪白梅盛開,一黃眉鵐棲於梅枝引頸顧望,鳥身羽毛鬆活、枝幹曲虯橫出,極為逼真傳神。
二、明 呂紀 杏花孔雀(面值9元):呂紀,字廷振,號樂愚,一作樂漁。此畫整體風貌,杏花牡丹,嫣紅粉白相映,一派春日歡欣。畫法杏花圈瓣,孔雀翎毛,用筆沉著而精工。
三、元 陳琳 溪鳧圖(面值13元):陳琳,字仲美。圖繪水邊芙蓉下,有一野鴨。鴨的用筆細緻而不流於工整板滯,水紋和芙蓉的用筆更是活潑粗放,是幅饒富野逸畫趣之作。
四、宋 李安忠 竹鳩(面值15元):李安忠。工畫花鳥、走獸,尤工鉤勒。圖繪荊條上立一伯勞,爪喙鉤曲,蓋肉食者。下畫竹梢,雙鉤填色。全幅鉤畫細謹,設色雅馴。


Chunghwa Post Co.

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