Saturday, May 16, 2009

特522 保育鳥類郵票-臺灣藍鵲 Sp. 522 Conservation of Birds Postage Stamps — Taiwan Blue Magpie

The Formosan Blue Magpie (Urocissa caerulea)

Issued on: 09 Jul, 2008
Description: 台灣蘭鵲(Táiwān lán què) / The Formosan Blue Magpie (Urocissa caerulea)

The Formosan Blue Magpie (Urocissa caerulea), also called the Taiwan Magpieor and the " 長尾山娘(Chángwěi shānniáng)/ long-tailed mountain lady ." It is an endemic species living in the mountains of Taiwan at elevations of 300 to 1200m. The Formosan Blue Magpie is voted as the national bird of the Republic of China, commonly known as "Taiwan." The voice is described as a high pitched cackling chatter, "kyak-kyak-kyak-kyak."

Taiwan blue magpie is a member of the Corvidae family and a protected species endemic to Taiwan. Its head and breast are black. The rest of its body is blue. Its tail feathers are exceptionally long. The bird’s gorgeous plumage makes it a frequent target of hunters. Overdevelopment and pollution pose an even more serious threat. To call attention to the importance of ecological conservation, this Post specially commissioned Professor Yuan Hsiao-wei at National Taiwan University to plan a set of four stamps and a souvenir sheet on the Taiwan blue magpie. The designs follow:

1. Foraging (NT$5.00): Taiwan blue magpie is an omnivorous bird. Its diverse diet, group living habit, large stature, and combative nature are all advantageous
traits in terms of survival. Its food storing behavior gives it another survival advantage in the face of natural change.
2. Rearing the young (NT$5.00): Taiwan blue magpies are cooperative breeders; individuals other than a chick’s parents, including both other adults and sub-adults, can help provide care and that ensure group survival.
3. Sub-adults (NT$12.00): In most bird species, the parents gradually drive their young away to find their own territory after they are grown, yet the sub-adults of Taiwan blue magpies stay to help rear their younger siblings.
4. Flying (NT$12.00): Also known as “long-tailed mountain ladies,” Taiwan blue magpies live in groups. When they fly in a line, it appears as if they are building beautiful “bird bridges” in the forests. The sight is magnificent.

臺灣藍鵲屬鴉科,為臺灣特有種保育鳥類,其形態特徵為頭至胸部黑色,嘴喙與雙腳紅色,其餘部分大致為藍色,尾羽甚長。由於羽色華麗,常受獵人覬覦,更因環 境過度開發與污染而面臨嚴重的生存壓力。為喚起人們對生態保育的重視,特委請臺灣大學袁孝維教授規劃「保育鳥類郵票-臺灣藍鵲」1組4枚及小全張1張。茲 將本組郵票圖案簡介如下:

Source of the materials: Wikipedia

Chunghwa Post Co.

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